This detailed 3D environment was constructed entirely in After Effects. All 3D geometry (such as the window frames, chandeliers, and hallway) were created using multiple 3D layers.
The hallway is filled with a 3D dust particle simulation, which is volumetrically illuminated by both the lightning strikes and the flickering chandeliers. A recording of a storm plays in the background, and is processed by a script that listens for thunder strikes. Each time thunder sounds are detected a series of environmental effects are triggered; The internal lights dim, the chandeliers flicker off, and lightning flashes are triggered outside the window.
This project is a good example of how scripting in After Effects can be extremely powerful; Flickering light sources, simulated wind sways the chandeliers, the camera randomly moves as if hand-held, a projected flashlight randomly scans over the environment, light-bulb sprites on the chandeliers face the camera at all times (so they appear 3D even when a chandelier rotates away from the camera), dust randomly falls from the floorboards above, and swaying tree branches are projected onto the wall and floor.